Superconductor Measurement Software


This PPMS Electrical Measurement software is our own laboratory-developed measurement solution intended for the characterisation of superconducting samples, allowing full control of the PPMS instrument and automated measurement of the R(T), R(H) and IV characteristics of superconducting materials, using appropriate standard hardware in place of the PPMS MultiVu software and AC Transport option. It offers a simple, user-friendly graphical interface for the measurement task, although it will require some knowledge of PPMS front-panel operation, since tasks such as sample changing are not currently supported. (Alternatively, it can be used in combination with the MultiVu software, although this is a rather cumbersome approach.)

The software is designed to be installed on and run from the PPMS control PC. It should, however, run on any modern PC equipped with a properly-installed National Instruments GPIB interface. It requires an external current source and voltmeter (currently Keithley models 24xx and 2182 are supported), connected to the measurement computer via the GPIB interface, and to each other via a trigger link cable.

If, on using this software, you determine that our programming expertise could be of benefit to your own activities, we are prepared to adapt the software to your specific requirements. Please contact us for further details.